Skill: Pull ups and progressions Metcon: “Helen” 3 RFT 400 m run 21 KBS (53/35) 12 pull ups Lv1(35/26) banded or jumping pull ups Lv2(26/18) ring rows *recurring benchmark

Skill: Being comfortable upside down Handstands H.S.P.U Metcon: Cap 15 min “Diane 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) H.S.P.U Lv1(185/135) 2 abmats Lv2(135/95) athlete level scale

Strength/skill: 15 min Find heavy triple Overhead Squat Metcon: “H8” AMRAP 8 8 snatches (95/65) 8 O.H.S 8 lateral burpees Lv1(85/55) LV2(65/45)

Oly: 20 min to find heavy single Clean & Jerk Metcon: cap 12 min “Grace” 30 Clean & Jerks (135/95) Lv1(115/85) LV2(95/65) Lv3(65/45)

Mobility: Strength: Tabata x 2 -sit ups -bicycle kicks -hollow rocks -plank Metcon: “Lindy” AMRAP 12 5KBS (70/53) 10 wall balls (20/14) 15 Dubs Lv1(53/35) 10 dubs Lv2(35/26) 30 singles

Strength: 15 min Bench Press 12-9-6-3 increasing 6-9-12 decreasing Metcon: “Poppin” 4RFT 5 burpees 10 T2B 20 box jumps (24/20) Lv1(kipping knee ups) Lv2(knee raises)

9AM “Cringe” 10,9,8…of DB snatches (50/35) Pull Ups Push ups 10 AM Comp class with coach Nat. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos. Athletes with a minimum of 3 months and a solid grasp of movements, standards and terminology only please.

Oly: 15 min to build to heavy complex 3 deadlifts + 2 hang snatch + 1 snatch Metcon: “Fireball Shots” AMRAP 10 7 snatchs @ 70% 9 lateral burpees 11 cal AB 13 air squats

Skill: 10 min Dubs 2 min max dubs Metcon: “Dubbed” 50 dubs 10 thrusters(95/65) 50 dubs 20 thrusters 50 dubs 30 thrusters 50 dubs LV1(85/55) 25 dubs Lv2(65/45) 100 singles

Strength: 20 min Deadlift 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Metcon: “Kettle Cooked” For time 25 cal row 25 burpee box jump overs (24/20) 25 snatches (95/65) 25 bar facing burpees

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