9AM Triple Three 3k row 300 dubs 3 mile run Lv1( 2k, 200 dubs , 2 mile run) Lv2( 1k row, 600 singles , 1 mile run) 10AM “Das Booty-Camp” comp class with Coach Nat. This is a very fast paced class with little to no demos. Minimum of 3 months experience and/or a solid…

Strength: Overhead barbell lunges 5 x 10 building Metcon: “Up, Down repeat” 3RFT 35 deadlifts (75/45) 15 O.H.S 90 Dubs Lv1(45 dubs) Lv2(65/45) 180 singles

Oly: 15 min to build to heavy complex of clean + hang clean Metcon: “Cleanish” AMRAP 6 10 cleans (95/65) 10 Box jumps Rest 2 min AMRAP 6 10 hang cleans (95/65) 10 wall balls (20/14)

Skill: H.S.P.U Metcon: “Sneaky Snatches” 8RFT 5 snatches (135/95) 5 H.S.P.U Lv1(95/65) (2 abmats) Lv2(85/55) (athlete level skill)

Mobility: 10 min Skill: T2B Metcon: AMRAP 6 20 hang snatch (75/45) 10 T2B Rest 2 min AMRAP 6 20 wall balls (20/14) 10 T2B Lv1(kipping knee ups) Lv2(knee raises)

9AM “Vader” 3RFT 24/17 cal row 21 wall balls (20/14) 18 DB snatches (50/35) 15 over the erg burpees 10AM Comp class. 3 + months experience

Strength: Sumo Deadlift 5 x 5 building Benchmark #2 4 min max cal AB Rest 10 min 800 m sprint

Oly: 15 min to find heavy single Squat clean Metcon: EOMOM 10 Min 1) 5 squat cleans @ 60%-70% Min 2) 4-7 ring dips( 20s hold)

Mobility: Benchmark #1A 1 Min max Sit ups Push ups Air squats Pull Ups Burpees Rest 2 min between Then: Benchmark #1B 1000 m row for Time *recurring benchmark

Strength: 15 min 3 strict press + 6 push press + 9 push jerks 4 sets building Each set must be unbroken Metcon: 20 min “Broken Heart” Not For Time 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Unbroken KBS (70/53) 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 Box Jumps for height *Each set of KBS is to be unbroken. If athlete brakes then try that set again…

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