Skill: 10 min Rope Climbs Metcon: EMOM 16 -2 rope climbs -9/7 cal AB/12/9 cal row -15 Box Jumps (24/20) -15 wall balls (20/14)

Strength: 15 min 5 x 5 strict press Building Accessory: 25 min -Split stance KB/DM lat pulls 4×8 each -Side lat raise (4×10) -Front lat raise (4 x 10) -Hollow Rocks (4×20) Optional Post Class 100 KBS for time (53/35)

Metcons: “Annie” Cap 12 min 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs Sit Ups Rest as much as need then 1 Mile run (AFAP) No treadmill

Mobility: Metcon: “Candy Run” 400 m run 5RDS of Cindy 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Then 400 m run

Oly: 20 min to find heavy Clean & Jerk Metcon: “Sloppy Sleven” AMRAP 7 Asc. by 1’s 1 C&J @ 75% 1 lateral burpee

9AM With a partner “Sucker Punch” 400 m run 60 thrusters (95/65) 400 m run 60 sntaches (115/75) 400 m run 60 clean & jerks (135/95) 400 m run 10:30AM Meet up at the Blue Hills Ski Hill parking lot. Coach Nat will lead everyone through a very fun Blue Hills Wod. Bring a friend…

Oly: EMOM to failure (cap 15th min) 2 snatch grip dl + 1 hang *men add 10# total each round *women add 5# total Metcon: cap 12 min “Very Lateral” 5RFT 5 lateral burpees 10 hang snatch (115/85) 15 KBS (53/35) Lv1(95/65) Lv2(65/45)(35/26)

Skill: 15 min T2B & C2B Metcon: “A little over the Hill” AMRAP 12 45 thrusters (75/45) 45 T2B 45 cleans 45 C2B Lv1(Kipping knee ups)(pull ups) Lv2(knee raises)(ring rows/banded pull ups)

Strength: Deadlift 15 min build to heavy set of 3 t.n.g EMOM 8 3 TNG @ 70%-80% Accessory: 4 x 10 weighted goodmornings 4 x 20 hollow rocks 4 x 10 goblet squats Optional Post Class $$ in $$ out of 500 m row 21-15-9 Burpees KBS (53/35)

Strength: Bench Press 8 x 8 at same weight 30s rest (strict 30 seconds) Metcon: “Masters” 5RFT 4 burpee pull ups 13 S.T.O (95/65) 5RFT 4 burpee pull ups 7 S.T.O (115/85

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