Skill: 5 min Split jerk position Oly: 20 min to find heavy Clean & split jerk Metcon: “Beef Jerky” EOMOM 12 Min 1) 1 c&j @ 80%-90% Min 2) 20s max cals AB *score is weight and total cals *AB must be zeroed out every round *calories are counted at the 20s time

“Partner Show Down” 400 m run 1000 m row 400 m run 50 T2B 400 m run 100 KBS (53/35) 400 m run 50 BBJO 400 m run 100 wall balls (20/14) 400 m run 10AM Comp class with coach Nat. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos. Minimum of 3…

Mobility: 10 mim Oly: 15 min snatch work Metcon: “Lucky 13” EMOM14 1 snatch + 2 O.H.S Building every round

Skill: Getting comfortable upside down Handstand Hold/Push ups/Walks EOMOM 8 Min 1: athlete level skill progression Min 2:  10 double DB/KB strict press Metcon: “Annie’s Spanx” 50 dubs 50 sit ups 5 H.S.P.U Etc.

Heavy Strength: 25 min Sumo Deadlift 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Accessory: Weighted Goodmornings 4 x 10 Barbell hip thrusts from bench 4 x 10 Banded side steps 4 x 15 Deadbugs 4 x 10 (slow count) Optional Post class: “I Dare You” 21/17 cal AB 20 burpees Rest 90’s 15/12 cal AB 15 burpees Rest 1 min 9/7…

Strength: 4RnotFT 20 hollow rocks 30’s plank 10 V-Ups Metcon: 25 min cap “2 degrees bellow” 400 m run 30 thrusters (95/65) 30 dubs 30 cal row 30 dubs 30 push ups 30 dubs 400 m run

Strength: 15 min Bench Press 10-8-6-4-2-1 Metcon: “Hip-ster” 4RFT 15 KBS (53/35) 15 goblet squats 5 burpee pull ups

9AM F.G.B 3Rounds 1 min max wall balls S.D.L.H.P Push Press Box Jumps Cal row Rest 1 min 10AM Comp class with coach JRod. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos. Minimum of 3 months experience and a solid knowledge of most movements and how to properly scale to athlete level.

Mobility: 10 min Skill: Dubs Benchmark #2 4 min max cals AB Rest 10 minutes then 800 m run for time

OLY: 15 min build to heavy sq. or pwr clean Then EMOM 8 1 dl + 1 T.N.G clean @ 70%-80% Metcon: AMRAP 8 Asc. by 2s 2 cleans (135/95) 2 box jumps Lv1(105/75) Lv2(85/55)

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