Skill: 10 min Being Upside Down EOMOM 8 Min 1) 20 second handstand hold Min 2) athlete level skill drill Metcon: “Brazilian Bikini” AMRAP 12 15/12 cal AB 12 C&J (135/95) 9 H.S.P.U

Strength: Tabata x 2 Plank Hollow rocks Plank Flutter kicks Metcon: “Cindy” AMRAP 20 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats

Heavy Strength: 25 min Front squat 5 x 5 building Accessory: Front rack step ups  4 x 12 (mod weight) DB rows  4 x 10 each side Flat back hip extension 4 x 10 Optional Post Class: 20 Cal AB 2 burpees 18 cal AB 4 burpees 16 cal AB 6 burpees 14 cal AB…

Strength: Strict Press 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Metcon: “Fran” 21-15-9 Thrusters (95/65) Pull Ups ADV: (115/85) C2B Lv1: (85/55) banded/jumping Lv2( 65/45) banded/jumping/ring rows

9AM AMRAP 25 Asc by 2s 2 snatches (115/85) 2 wall balls (20/14) 2 cals AB *1 rope climb after every set of cals 10 AM Comp class with Coach Renee. Minimum of 3 months experience. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos and a lot of work.

The 5:30Am class will be moved to 9:30Am Strength 20 min Deadlift 5 x 5 building Metcon: cap 20 min “Jackie” 1000 m row 50 thrusters (45/35) 30 pull ups

Gym will be closed 10AM Track Wod Dedham High School Track All levels / All welcome Have a fun and safe 4th celebrations !

Skill: 10 min Double Unders  Then 2 min max dubs Metcon: “CrossFit Tabata” Tabata sit ups 2 min rest Tabata push ups 2 min rest Tabata air squats 2 min rest Tabata burpees *score is lowest reps per movement

Bench Press Form: 5 min Wide grip vs. narrow Heavy Strength: 20 min 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Accessory: Skull crushers 4 x10  Windmills 4 x 8 each side (not building) Hollow Rocks 4 x 20 Optional Post Class: 4 RFT 300m row  10 hang cleans (115/85) 5 lateral burpees Rest 1 min

Strength: Tabata x 2 Plank Metcon: cap 25 min “Chipped Tooth” 10 BBJO (24/20) 20 DB snatches (50/35) 30 wall balls (20/14) 40 KBS (53/35) 400 m run 40 KBS 30 wall balls 20 DB snatches 10 BBJO

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