9AM “Nancy” 5RFT 400 m run 15 o.h.s (95/65) *recurring benchmark 10AM Das Booty Camp with Coach Nat. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos. Minimum of 3 months experience.

Strength: 20 min Deadlift 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Metcon: “Optimus Prime” AMRAP 7 Wall balls (20/14) *top of every minute 5 DL (225/155) *score is total wall balls *wod starts with the DL

Mobility: ankles/hips OLY: EMOM 12 1 snatch + 2 O.H.S *build every other round Metcon: Cap 12 min “Isabel” 30 snatches (135/95) Lv1(115/85) Lv2(95/65) Lv3(75/45)

Skill: Everything Kipping EOMOM 10 Min 1) 4-8 athlete level kipping/drill/movement Min 2) 20 hollow rocks Metcon: Open 11.6 AMRAP 7 3 thrusters (95/65) 3 C2B 6,6,9,9 etc. Lv1(85/55)(Pull ups) Lv2(65/45)(banded/ring rows/jumping)

Strength: 15-20 min T.G.U 1 x 2 very light 1 x 2 light 1 x 1 mod 1 x 1 AHAP Strength: 20 min Strict press 6 x 8 @ 30%-40% not building Rest 1 min between sets Then Barbell High Pull 6 x 8 @ mod weight not building Rest 1 min between sets…

4 x 500 m sprint rest 4 min Metcon: “CFT Benchmark” AMRAP 8 8 wall balls (20/14) 8 burpees 8 KBS (70/353) 8 sit ups

9AM “Georgie” AMRAP 21 7 burpees 11 push ups 22 KBS (53/35) *buy in of 65 sit ups. 10AM Blue Hills Hike. Meet at the Blue Hill Ski Slope at 10:30. Make sure you bring plenty of water and sunscreen if you need it.

Strength: Tabata x 2 *flutter kicks *russian twists *stir the pot *plank Metcon: Test these 4 movements to find the number of reps to use for the wod. No sandbagging ! :30s max  . 1:30s rest between Cal row Wall balls  Burpees Kbs “Athletes Poison” E4MOM20  Cal row Wall balls Burpees KBS

Strength: 20 min Bench Press 15-12-9-6-3 building 6-9-12-15 decreasing Metcon: “Slam-o-Rama” 3RFT 10 ball slams AHAP 20 sit ups (with your slam ball) 400 m run

Oly: EMOM 10 3 dl + 2 h. cl.  +1 cl. *add weight every other round Metcon: “Complexed” AMRAP 12 9 deadlifts (115/85) 6 hang cleans 3 jerks 300 m row Lv1(95/65) Lv2(65/45)

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