Heavy Strength: 20 min 10 min to find heavy Push Press Then 4 x 4 @ 75%  (suggested 2:30s. For each set) Accessory: 15 min Skull crushers (barbell or DB) 4 x 8 Bench/Ring Dips slow and controlled 4 x 8 Metcon: 2000 M row Sprint ! *recurring benchmark 

Mobility: hips and legs Strength: Tabata x 2 -plank -sit ups -hollow hold -bicycle kicks Metcon: “Cindy Crawford” AMRAP 15 5 burpee pull ups 10 hang clean and jerks (75/45) 15 KBS (53/35)

Strength: 25 min Front rack reverse lunge 4 x 20 Single Leg Steps ups to below knee height 4 x 10 Metcon: Cap 15 min “Keep Moving” 7RFT 12 wall balls (20/14) 12 Box jump overs (24/20)

Oly: 15 min to find heavy complex of 1 clean + 1 hang clean Metcon: cap 15 min “Jrods Socks” 30 hang cleans (115/85) 500 m row 30 bar facing burpees Lv1(95/65) Lv2(75/45)

9AM 9AM With a partner “Kettle Hell” 40 KB snatch (53/35) 400 m carry/run together 50 KB step ups (24/10) 400 m  60 KBS 400 m 70 goblet squats 400 m 60 KBS 400 m 50 step ups 400 m  40 KB snatch 10AM Comp class with Coach Mah. This is a fast paced class…

Oly: 15 min to find a heavy double hang snatch Metcon: “Hang Out” 21-15-9 Cal AB Hang snatch @ 75% *8 lateral burpees after each set of hang snatch

Skill: Dubs Metcon: “And then..” AMRAP 16 50 dubs 40 KBS (35/26) 30 sit ups 20 Box Jumps (24/20) 10 KB snatch

Heavy Strength: 20 min Back Squat 6 x 5 tempo 3s down, 3s in hole, explode up Accessory: 20 min 4×10 barbell hip thrusts 4×12 front rack lunges 4×10 good mornings 4×20 hollow rocks Optional Post Class: EMOM8 :20’s sprint AB :40s rest *score is total cals

1000 m row sprint Rest 10 min 1000 m row sprint Metcon: Open 12.1.5 AMRAP 7 Burpees *starting with and then top of every minute 7 goblet squats (53/35)

Strength: Bench Press 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Metcon: “Double-Down” 3RFT 5 lateral burpees 10 thrusters (95/65) 20 wall balls (20/14) 40 Dubs

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