Strength: 30 min 1 RM back squat Metcon: “Fran-Ken-Stein” AMRAP 8 Asc. by 3s thrusters (95/65) pull ups

“Harper” AMRAP 23 9 C2B 15 cleans (135/95) 21 air squats 400 m run with plate (45/35) Brad Harper died responding to a 2 alarm fire in Phoenix Arizona. May 19th 2013. He was 23.  10AM “Bro sesh” with Coach Angelo. Expect some shoulder work. This is open to all levels but please come ready…

Oly: 25 min to find 1RM Clean & Jerk Metcon: EOMOM 10 *2 cl&j @ 80% *12/9 cal AB

Skill: Dubs 10 min of practice Then 2 min max dubs Metcon: cap 25 min “Lift Off” 100 dubs 100 KBS (53/35) 100 sit ups 80 dubs 80 KBS 80 sit ups 60.. 20.. Lv1 (½ dubs) Lv2(x2 singles)

Strength: 25 min 1 RM Strict Press Metcon: “Nein” AMRAP 9 9 pull ups 9 thrusters (95/65) 9 lateral burpees

Gym will be closed all day Meet up for a ‘scavenger hunt’ at the Blue Hills Ski hill at 10AM. All fitness levels/friends/family welcome. Bring a positive attitude and some water.

With a partner “Love thy Partner” AMRAP 30 800 m run together 80 wall balls 1000 m row 100 air squats 60/50 cal AB 60 burpees 10AM Comp class with coach Nat. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos. Minimum of 3 months experience and a solid knowledge of movement standards…

Strength: 20 min Deadlift T.N.G 5 x 5 building Metcon: “Hippity” 21-15-9 Pull ups KBS (53/35) Deadlifts (185/135)

Oly: 15 min Drop snatch 3 x 3 (20%-40% Snatch balance 3 x 3 (40%-60%) Heaving snatch balance 3 x 2 (60%-80%) Oly: 10 min EMOM 10 Squat snatch First 6 rounds do 2 reps Last 4 rounds only 1 rep Metcon: EOMOM 10 1 squat snatch @ 80%-90%12/9 cal AB

Mobility: calves/legs/hips Metcon: cap 35 min “Iron Lung” 400 m run 1000 m row 40 DB snatches (50/35) 400 m run 750 m row 30 DB snatches 400 m run 500 m row 20 DB snatches

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