Strength: 25 min Wendler Wk 2 Back Squat Metcon: “Usual Culprit” 3RFT 21/17 cal row 15 wall balls (20/14) 9 T2B

Oly Strength: 12 min clean shrugs  3 @ 50% 3@ 70% 3@90% clean pulls 3@30% 3@50% 3@70% Oly: 10 min Build to heavy clean Metcon: “Clean Shave” AMRAP 9 Asc. by 3s 3 hang cleans (75/55) 3 front squats 30 dubs

Skill: 10 min T2B Skill Strength: EOMOM 8 Min 1) 4-8 T2B  Min 2) 15 med ball sit ups to wall Metcon: AMRAP 12 16 DB snatch (50/35) 8 Box Jumps (24/20) 4 T2B

Strength: 20 min Wendler Strict Press Metcon: “Juicy J” 3RFT 15 cal AB 12 C&J  (95/65) 9 push ups

Strength: 20 min Wendler Back Squat Accessory: 20 min 4 x 10 goodmorings 4 x 10 barbell front rack step ups 4 x 10 hip thrusts from bench 4 x 20s stir the pot Post Class Optional: 4 Rounds 400 m row (hard) Rest 1 Min

9AM With a partner Cap 40 min Both work till 250 cals AB 5 burpees 10 wall balls 15 KBS  20 Dubs Then switch after 1 round 10AM Strength and Conditioning with the one..the only…(thank goodness)…Coach JRod. All levels welcome !

Skill: 15 min Hand stands/push ups Getting comfortable upside down Metcon: cap 12 min “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) H.S.P.U Lv1( 185/125) 2 abmats Lv2(155/95) push ups/handstand holds

Mobility: 15 min Metcon: EOMOM 20 Min 1) 15 wall balls (20/14) Min 2) 12/9 cal row Min 3) 15 KBS (53/35) Min 4) 30 dubs

Oly strength : 12 min Snatch shrugs  3 @ 50% 3@ 70% 3@90% Snatch pulls 3@30% 3@50% 3@70% Oly: 10 min Build to heavy snatch Metcon: “Pocket $” AMRAP 10 5 bbjo’s (24/20) 5 snatch @ 70% of Oly

Strength: 20 min Wendler Strict Accessory: 20 min 4 x 10 bent barbell row 4 x 10 skull crushers 4 x 10 front & lateral raises 4 x 20s high plank shoulder taps Optional Post Class: 3RFT 18 sit ups 15 air squats 12 push ups 9 hang cleans (95/65)

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