9AM partner “Sucker Punch” 400 m run together 60 thrusters (95/65) 400 m run 60 snatches (115/75) 400 m run 60 C&J (135/95) 400 m run 10AM “Das-Boot-Camp” with Coach Nathalie. Minimum of 3 months experience. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos and a lot of stuff to do.

Oly: 15 min Find heavy set of 4 TNG C & Push J. Metcon: “Water-fail” EMOM 11 Min 1) 2 c&J (135/95) Min 2) 3 Min 3) 4 Min 4) rest and load bar Min 5) 3 (115/85) Min 6) 4 Min 7) 5 Min 8) rest and load bar Min 9) 4 (95/65) Min…

Skill: 10 min Dubs Then 2 min max dubs Skill: 5-10 min Pull ups Metcon: “Sloppy Sleven”ups AMRAP 12 7 Pull ups 14 BJ (24/20) 21 dubs

Wednesday 2nd Mobility: Metcon: cap 40 min “Madness” 60/50 cal AB 30 Burpees 30/22 cal AB 15 burpees 1000 m row 50 dubs/100 singles 50 KBS (mod weight) 500 m row 25 dubs/50 singles 25 KBS

Tuesday 1st Strength: 20 min Wendler Wk 4 Strict Press Deload Metcon: “Armed and Loaded” 21 strict press @ 50% of 1RM 500 m row 15 push press @ 60% 500 m row 9 push jerks @ 70% 500 m row

Strength: 25 min Wendler wk 3 Back Squat Accessory: Part 1: 10 min deadlift 5 x 5 rest 90s Part 2: 10 min Bulgarian split squat 4 x 8 (each side leg) Hollow Rocks 4 x 20 Optional Post Class: “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Dubs and sit ups (for those that did Triple Threat may sub the…

Skill: 5-10 min Being Upside Down Handstands/H.S.P.U/Walks Skill Drills: EMOM 8  Athlete level skill drill for 20’s Shoulder taps/h.s.p.u/holds/pike press/walks etc. Metcon: “Nip Tuck” $$in of 50 sit ups 5 wall walks 25 hang cleans (85/55) 4 wall walks 20 hang cleans 3 wall walks 15 hang cleans 2 wall walks 10 hang cleans 1…

Metcon: 36 min “Fuuuuu…” 4RDS 2 min AB Rest 1 2 min Cal row Rest 1 2 min max SINGLE UNDERS  Rest 1  *score will be the 3 totals of each  movements

Oly Skill: 10 min The Clean and Push Jerk Oly Strength: 15 min 15 min to find heavy TNG C & push.J for triple Metcon: “Death by C&J” EMOM (capped at 14 min)  C&J @ 60% *starting with 2 ad 1 every min

Strength: 20 min Wendler Wk 3 Strict Press Accessory: 20 min Part 1: 10 min  Bench Press 5 x 5 with 90’s rest between sets Part 2: 10 min Plank-up-downs 4 x 20s Front/Lateral raises (5 front/ 5 lat) 4 x 10 Optional Post Class: 3 RDS 20/17 cal AB sprint Rest 1 min 25/21…

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