Skill: 15 min Body alignment and awareness when upside down.  EOMOM 8 1) HSPU strength 2) Handstand hold Metcon: “Light Weight Light Weight” AMRAP 12 10 Deadlifts (light weight) 10 h.cls (same weight but mod) 10 H.S.P.U’

Mobility: 10 min Metcon: “19.1.1” AMRAP 15 19 wall balls (20/14) 19 cal row Rest 5 min AMRAP 10 15/12 cal AB 25 KBS (mod light) 25 Dubs

Strength: 20 min Wendler Press Week 6 Metcon: “Odd Ball” 4RFT 20 sit ups 10 ball slams ( AHAP) 5 S.T.O @ 110% of 1RM Strict Press

Strength: 25 min Wendler Squat Week 5 Accessory: 20 min 4×10 goodmornings 4×10 bb front rack step ups (below knee height) 4×10 hip thrusts 4×20 hollow rocks Optional Post Class: 6x 30s AB/Row sprints 30s rest *you should probably pick the AB

9:00 – 10:20 Barbels For Boobs Heats of the workout “Grace” 30 Clean & Jerks 10:45 Weather permitting we will be running a 5K FUN run. Weather not permitting we will be doing an alternate but just equally fun team wod inside the warm and dry gym.

Skill: Kipping the T2B Then EOMOM 8 Min 1) 4-8 T2B athlete level Min 2) 10 quality V-Ups Metcon: cap 15 min “Hangover” 4RFT 15 hang snatch (95/65) 12 push ups 9 T2B

Mobility: 10 min Metcon: EO4MOM 20 Every 4 minutes athletes perform 20 wall balls (20/14) 16 DB snatches (mod weight) 12/9 cal row 8 burpees *score is slowest round compared to fastest round

Oly: 15 min 3 dl + 1 pwr cl + 1 jerk Metcon: “Kibble-N-Bits” AMRAP 12 30 dubs 25 KBS (light weight) 20 sit ups *starting with and then every 2 min Do 3 c&j @ 60%-70%.

Strength: 20 min Wendler Press Week 5 Accessory: 20 min 4×10 barbell row 4×10 skull crushers 4×10 front/lateral raises 4x20s plank up-downs Optional Post Wod: 3RFT 5 hang cleans (mod weight) 10 s.t.o 15 hollow rocks 20/17 cal AB

Strength: 20-25 min Wendler Squat Week 4 Deload Metcon: Cap 15 min “Ca$h is Key” $$ in 400 m run Then 3RFT 7 BBJO (24/20)  14 C2B 28 air squats $$ out 400 m run

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