Strength: 20 min Wendler Press Week 8 Deload Metcon: “Rowing Helen” 3RFT 500 m row 21 KBS (53/35) 12 pull ups

Strength: 25 min Wendler Squat Week 7 Accessory: 10 min Deadlift 5 x 5 building 10 min Bulgarian split squat 3 x 10 each side Hollow rocks 4 x 20 Optional Post Class: For Time 60 sit ups 30/25 cal AB 20 alt DB snatch 10 burpees 30 sit ups 15/12 cal AB 10 alt…

9AM The most perfect beautiful Saturday morning wod ever made. Be square ! 10AM Open gym with a Coach.

There will be no 5:30apm and 6:30pm classes Friday Night Fights. Please show up by 6:15 so we can get a head count and start the team warm up by 6:30. Also please bring something to share and a beverage of your choice to enjoy (you dont have to share this, but you should) Please…

Oly: 20 min Split Jerk from rack Metcon: EOMOM 12 1: 10/9 cal AB 2: 1 clean + 2 split jerks  @75%-85%

Skill: 10 min Kipping the T2B Metcon: “20.2” AMRAP 20 4 thrusters (95/65) 6 T2B 24 Dubs

Strength: 20 min Wendler Press Week 7 Accessory: 20 10 min Bench press 5 x 5 10 min Front & lat. raises 4 x 12 Plank-up-downs 4 x 20s Optional Post Class: 3RFT 21 air squats 15/12 cal AB 9 burpees

Strength: 25 min Wendler Squat Week 6 Metcon: Elizabethian  21-15-9 Squat cleans (115/85) Hand release push ups

“Cant Stop the Feeling” In 35 Minutes with a partner 2000 m row 100 dubs 50 cal AB 100 dubs 2000 m row Remaining time AMRAP 6 BBJO 12 DB snatch (AHAP) 24 KBS (mod/light)

Mobility: 5 min ankles/hips Oly: EMOM 10 1 snatch + 1 O.H.S Building every round Metcon: 3RFT 15/12 cal row 12 snatch @ 60%-70% of emom 9 O.H.S

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