“Maxuel House” 2 rounds of 90’s max with 1 min rest Of  Wall Balls Burpees Pull Ups Air Squats KBS (mod light) Sit ups 10 AM Open gym with a coach

Mobility: Metcon: cap 25 min “Benjamins” $$in 1500 m row Then 4RDS 18/15 cal AB 15 sit ups 12 DB snatch (mod) 9 Box Jumps (24/20)

Oly: EMOM to failure (cap 15th min) 1 sq/pwr clean *men add 10# total every round *women add 5# total Metcon: “The Simple Things” AMRAP 9 9 BBJO  3 cleans @ 85%

Skill: 10/15 min Kipping the pull up/C2B/BMU Athlete level skill Metcon: “Dealers Choice’ AMRAP 12 1 squat clean @ mod weight  (asc. By 1’s every round) 2 athlete level pull up (asc by 2’s every round) *once/if athlete hits a wall with their level of pull ups then switch to push ups.

Strength: 20 min 1 RM Press Metcon: “Free Press” 21 strict press @ 60% 25/21 cal AB 15 push press @ 75% 25/21 cal AB 9 push jerks @ 90% 25/21 cal AB

Strenth: 25 min Wendler Squat Week 8 deload or make up Metcon: “First Day of School!” AMRAP 10 250 m row 10 front squats (mod light) 5 lateral burpees

9AM Partner 40 min cap “Another JRod Special” 2 rd 21 thrusters & 21 pull ups 2 rd 800 m run & 30 KBS (heavy) 2 rd 50 dubs & 50 sit ups 2 rd 400 m run & 30 Box Jumps (24/20) & 30 wall balls 10AM Open gym with a coach

Skill: 10 min Dubs practice then 2 min max  Metcon: “Broken Wheel” AMRAP 13 Asc by 3’s 3 wall balls 3 box jumps 20 dubs 6,6,20 9,9,20 ….

Mobility: Metcon: cap 35 min “Hell-A-Fun Cardio” Fran Rest 4 min Annie Rest 4 min Grace

Oly: 15 min to build to heavy squat or power snatch Metcon: EMOM 10 2 deadlift + 1 hang sq/pwr snatch Build every minute EOMOM102 1. snatch @ 70%-80% 2. 40’s plank

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