Mobility: Metcon: cap 30 min “Ye-Olde-Chipper” 100 Dubs 20 burpees 30 Box Jumps (24/20) 40 KBS (mod) 80 wall balls (20/14) 40 KBS 30 Box Jumps 20 burpees 100 dubs

Skill: T2B and kipping EOMOM 8 -Athlete level skill drill -20s of hollow hold plate raise Metcon “Toe Clips” AMRAP 10 12/9 cal AB 9 hand release push ups 6 T2B

Oly: 15 min to find heavy complex of 2 deadlifts+2 cleans+1 jerk *unbroken t.n.g Metcon: cap 15 min “Mr. Clean” 20 c&j @ 80% 10 pull ups 15 c&j @ 70% 15 pull ups 10 c&j @ 60% 20 pull ups

Strength: 30 min Wendler 1RM Back squat Final week Or 5×5 deadlift Metcon: 2000 m row *recurring benchmark

“It was JRods Idea” 200 cal AB 4000 m row 2 mile run Lv1: 150 cal ab         3000 m row         1.5 mile run Lv2: 100 cal AB         2000 m row         1 mile run

Oly:  EMOM to failure (cap 15th min) 1 sq/pwr snatch *men add 10# total every min *women add 5# Metcon: “Fraternal” AMRAP 9 9 BBJO 3 snatch @ 80%

Skill: 15 min The Handstand & Push up EMOM 6 20s of skill work Metcon: “Ministry of Funny Walks” AMRAP 12 3 wall walls 6 T2B 9 Ball slams (AHAP)

Mobility: Metcon: “4th Dimension” E4MOM20 20/17 cal AB 16 alt. DB snatch (mod) 12 Box jumps (24/20) 8 push ups *goal is to have 1 min of rest between rounds. Scale reps accordingly

Strength: 20 min Wendler Press 1 RM test Or  Bench Press 5x 5 Metcon: “Basik Becky” AMRAP 10 10 wall balls  20 KBS (mod) 30 dubs

Strength: 30 min Wendler Squat make up or 1 RM Test Metcon: “Tabata’ish” Tabata x 2 alternating movements ( 8 min) *air squats *burpees *score is total reps for each movement

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