Strength: 25 min P.O Bench / Press Wk 2 Metcon: “Double the Fun” AMRAP 10 Asc by 2s 2 C&J (mod)  2 lateral burpees

Strength: 30 min P.O B. Squat / Deadlift Wk 2 Metcon: “CFT Benchmark” AMRAP 8 8 wall balls (20/14) 8 burpees 8 sit ups 8 KBS (53/35) *recurring benchmark

“Biking Kelly” 5RFT 25/21 cal AB (500 m row) 30 BJ 30 Wall Balls (20/14) 10AM Fun with Coach Jrod. All levels.

11Am-4:30pm and 5:30pm classes only Skill: The Kipping Pull Up Metcon: “Jackie” 1000 m row 50 thrusters (45/35) 30 pull ups $$ out not for time 100 cals AB

Gym will be closed all day Special Friday Schedule 11am – 4:30pm and 5:30pm only

Strength Oly “The Bear Complex” Not for time and building weight 5 Rounds of 7 reps T.N.G 1 clean + front squat + press + back squat + press  *If athlete drops the bar before the full 7 reps is done 20 burpees.

Strength: 25 min P. O Week 1 Bench/Press Metcon: “Stay Snappy” 4RFT 8 BBJO 12/9 cal row 16 DB sn (mod)

Strength: 25 min Progressive Overload Week 1 Back squat/Deadlift Metcon: “Turkey Legs” AMRAP 10 10 thrusters (mod/light) 20 sit ups 30 dubs

Partner F.G.B (27 min) Split as need 3RDS 90s Wall Balls 90s  SDHP 90s P. Press 90s BJ 90s cal row 90s rest 10AM Oly

Strength: 15-20 4 sets building 3 strict press+ 6 push press+ 9 push jerks *unbroken! Metcon: “Strictly Business” 3RFT 12 lateral burpees 9 deadlifts 6 hang cleans 3 s.t.o @ 90% of 1RM strict press

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