9AM With a partner split as need 1000 m row 100 KBS (mod/ light) 75 wall balls 50 burpees 75 wall balls 100 KBS 1000 m row 10AM “fun” with coach Jrod. Open to all skill levels.

Oly: Complex EMOM 12 building 2 TNG cleans + 1 jerk Rest 5 minutes EMOM 12 Strat @ 60% 1 c&J  building

Skill: 20 min Dubs & T2B Metcon: “Stubbed Toe” 4RFT 9 T2B 15 h.r. Push ups 35 Dubs

Mobility: Metcon: cap 35 min “Stay Chipper” 75/65 cal AB 20 BBJO 40 KBS (mod/light) 80 thrusters (light) 40 KBS 20 BBJO 1000 m row

Strength: 25 min P.O Bench / Press Wk 3 Metcon: cap 12 min “Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Sit ups Dubs *recurring benchmark

Strength: 30 min P.O B. Squat / deadlift Wk 3 Metcon: “Wobble” AMRAP 9 Asc. by 2s 2 KBS (mod) 2 goblet squats 2 Box jumps (24/20)

“I shot the Chief” 5 AMRAPS with 1 min rest between 3 cleans 6 push ups 9 air squats 12 deadlifts #1) amrap 2(75/55)    #2) amrap 3(105/75) #3) amrap 4(135/95)  #4) amrap 5(165/115) #5) amrap 6(195/135) 10AM comp class. This is a fast paced class with little to no demos. 3 months minimum crossfit…

Oly: 20 min Complex EMOM 14 1 snatch + 1 O.H.S Building Metcon: EOMOM10 -1 complex @ 70%-80% – 30 Dubs

Mobility: Metcon: “What” AMRAP 24 25/20 cal AB 5 (each side) DB hang c&j (mod heavy) 10 C2B @ min 3/6/9/12/15/18/21 do 10 burpees

Skill: 15 min Handstands & H.S.P.U Metcon: cap 15 min “Diane” 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) H.S.P.U Lv1(185/135)(2 abmats) Lv2(135/95) regular push ups

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