Oly: 25 min Split Jerk from rack Metcon: “Jerk Chicken” AMRAP 14 Asc by 2s 2 clean & Jerks (mod) 2 cals AB *25 dubs after AB

Regular gym hours. No 5:30AM class “Kwanza” With a partner AMRAP 7 Unity: Umoja 7 synchronized burpees 7 synchronized air squats Rest 2 min AMRAP 7 Collective work/Responsibility: Ujima ‘I go then you go’ 7 Box jumps 7 wall balls

5:30AM – 10AM and 11AM class only! Gym closes at 2pm. Closed all day Wednesday “Grandma Got Run Over” 21-15-9 Thrusters (heavy) C2B Lateral Burpees

Metcon: Cap 30 min “Hanukkah”  8 RFT 8 Box Jumps 8 air squat 8 Wall balls 8 Deadlifts 8 hang cleans 8 S.T.O 8 Dubs 8 Push Ups

9:30 ‘12 Terrors of X-mas‘ Done in round 1 S.D.L.H.P (75/55) 2 Thrusters 3 S.T.O 4 cleans 5 Deadlifts 6 Push ups 7 KBS 8 KB lunges 9 Box Jumps 10 Wall Balls 11 Dubs 12 Burpees Stick around after class for “Breakfast in the Box” please check the f/b page for more information.

Skill: Being Upside Down EOMOM 10 :20s hand stand hold :20s strength/skill Metcon: AMRAP 12 3 wall walks 12 box jump overs 15 thrusters ( mod)

Metcon:  “Chug On” E4MOM20 21 wall balls 15/12 cal row 9 burpees 6 T2B 3 heavy cleans *athletes should scale for at least 1 min of rest

Oly:  Drop Snatch/ 5 min 4 x 3 sets building if possible Snatch balance/ 5 min 4 x 3 building Heaving snatch balance/5 min 3 x 3 building EMOM 8 1 squat snatch + 1 O.H.S Building Rest 5 min EOMOM 10 :30s sprint AB 1 squat snatch@ 85%

Strength: 25 min P.O week 4 Bench and Press Metcon: cap 15 min “5 Guys Burger” 5RFT 40 dubs 20 sit ups 12 DB snatches (mod)

Strength: 30 min P.O week 4 Back squat & Deadlift Metcon: “7 layer dip” AMRAP 7 7 KBS (heavy) 7 goblet squats 7 burpees

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