Strength: 20 min Strict Press 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Building Metcon: “Elbow Grease” 27-21-15-9 Thrusters (light) Cal row Sit ups

Regular Class Schedule (7:30pm Oly) “Martin Luther King Jr. “ AMRAP 29 (birth year) 64 Dubs(civil rights act passed/nobel peace prize) 63 KBS light (‘I Have a Dream”) 39 wall balls (years he lived) 8 heavy squat cleans (peaceful protests) 4 push ups ( children he had) 3 lateral burpees (marches he led)

With a partner split as need “Highway to Hell-No” AMRAP 30 1200 m row 10 over erg burpees 20 DB snatch (heavy) 60 cal AB 20 DB sn 900 m row 10 OEB 20 DB sn 45 cal AB 20 DB sn 600 m row 10 OEB 20 DB sn 30 cal AB 20 DB…

Mobility: Metcon: “Long Haul” AMRAP 13 20/17 cal AB 15 KBS (mod) 10 BJ  Rest 5 min AMRAP 13 500 m row 35 dubs 12 alt. DB snatch (mod)

Strength: 15-20 4 sets building of  3 strict press + 6 push press + 9 push jerks Metcon: “Blood shot” 21-15-9 Burpees S.T.O (mod) Pull ups

Oly: EMOM to failure (15 cap) 1 sq/pwr snatch *men add 10# total each round *women add 5# total EMOM 8 Min 1& 2) 2 sn @ 70% Min 3 & 4) 2 sn @ 80% Min 5 & 6) 1 sn @ 85-90% Min 7 & 8) 1 sn @ 95-100% EOMOM 8 -:20s…

Skill: 20 min Being comfortable upside down headstand/handstand/hspu/walking EOMOM 10 -h.s.p.u skill drill -h.s.p.u strength Metcon: “Hip Magic” AMRAP 12 12 H.S.P.U 9 deadlifts 6 hang cleans (mod) 3 front squats Lv1( 2 abmats) Lv2( push ups/pike push ups)

Hvy Strength: 25 min Deadlift 7-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 Accessory: 15 min bent barbell row 4 x 12 Front rack lunges 4 x 14 Good hollow rocks 4 x 20 Optional Post call WOD: 4RFT 5 burpees 10 air squats 15 cal AB

9AM With a partner 50-40-30-20-10 Thrusters (light) Cal AB *between rounds 10 synchronized burpees 10 AM Birthday wod fun’ness with coach Nat.

Skill: 20 min Dubs & T2B Metcon: “To the Walls” AMRAP 12 9 T2B 18 Wall Balls 36 Dubs

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