Bring A Friend AMRAP 10 10 burpees 10 BJ 10 Cal Row Rest and reset up room and demo new movements AMRAP 10 10 air squats 10 KBS 10 Cal AB 10AM Fun with Coach JRod. Open to all levels.

Oly: 15 min to find heavy pwr/sq snatch Oly strength: 20 min The Wave Wave 1        Wave 2 3@70%        3@75% 2@75%        2@80% 1@80%        1@85% Wave 3        Wave 4 3@80%        1@95%  2@85%        1@100%    1@90%          1@100+%

Heavy Strength: 25 min Deadlift  7-7-5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 Accessory 20 min KB front rack lunges 4 x 12 Hollow Rocks 4 x 25 (good form!) KB single leg DL 4 x 6(each) Plank- accumulate 5 min Optional Post Class: 4RFT 10/9 cal AB 10 KBS (heavy) 10 burpees

Strength: 20 Bench Press 5 x 5 building Metcon: “Get Tall” 4RFT 6 push ups 9 cleans (light) 12 S.T.O 15 Wall balls 

Skill: 15 min Pull Ups Dub practice Metcon: 26 min “Splinters” 4 x   AMRAP 4 (rest 2 min) 15/12 cal AB 10 Pull Ups 20 KBS (light) 40 Dubs/80 singles

7:30PM will be OLY class ! Mobility: 10 min ankles/hips Strength: 20 min Overhead Squats 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Building Metcon: “Woof” AMRAP 9 Asc by 2s 2 cal row 2 BBJO 2 alt. DB Snatch (mod)

With a partner split as need “ Bologne Skin” 1000 m row 100 air squats 20 C&J (heavy) 800 m row 80 air squats 16 C&J 600 m row 60 air squats 12 C&J (cap 25 min) 10 AM Open Gym

Strength: 20 min Front Squat 7-7-5-5-3-3-1-1 Building Metcon: “Glute-en” 5RFT 10 goblet squats (mod/heavy) 15 KBS 30 Dubs

Oly part 1: 15 From the Rack Back rack split jerk into Front rack split jerk Oly part 2: 15 min Then 15 min to find heavy Clean & split jerk Metcon: EOMOM 10 *1 cl&spl j @ 85% *6-8 lateral burpees

Skill: 20 min Everything kipping EOMOM12 *athlete level kipping drill *20’s hollow hold/rock Metcon: “Up Down Repeat” 10.9.8 etc.  1.2.3 etc Clean & Jerks (mod) Pull Ups

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